Ten Big Distractions To A Successful Business

Whether you are running a business from home or from a business office, there are always going to be problems with getting distracted with your business. It is up to you how you decide to handle them because if you can handle them well then you will save your business a lot of time and money.

1. Watching Television
This is something that a lot of people do carelessly and it takes your focus away from work. Not only do you stop working, but when you do work your efforts are retarded.

2. Pointless Meetings
I have seen so many businesses have pointless meetings that do nothing and get very little solved. Often these can be saved by personal conversations, phone calls and e-mails.

3. E-mails
So many people spend hours on the computer checking their e-mails and there is really no need to do it. There are so many hours wasted on pointless conversations.

4. Social Media
I have seen this grow more with sites like Facebook, Myspace, and YouTube. These sites are fun but they become distracting. What is horrible about these sites is that they lead you down a rabbit's hole that leads to more and more media to take your attention away.

5. Financial Aspects
Not only does this take time, but it gets us emotional. If your account has gotten better then it is easy to have an excuse to get lazy, but if it went downhill then it only gets you more frustrated and you want to give up. It is good to stay up to date on how you are doing financially, but people do it too often.

6. Social Interaction
This is important, but people go way too far. I remember one day going to work and seeing people surrounded around an employee discussing the rules for a game they were going to play during the next week of work.

7. Games
Fantasy Football is one of the worst. People find ways to skip their tasks at work to put so much time into deciding who will start next week. It is amazing to think what they would be able to do with their jobs or businesses if they put that type of focus into it.

8. Mindless Work
There are a lot of aspects of work that you can do to make you look busy, but it isn't helping out the company. The problem is that you still get paid or if it is a business you are willing to put in a billion hours until you die.

9. Having Employees Doing Mindless Work
Know exactly what your employees can do to make their time the most productive it could be. Give them
empowerment so they can create success because the only thing worst then wasting your time is wasting your employee's time.

10. Know Your Most Important Tasks
Write down what is going to make the biggest impact in your business and accomplish that today. Don't do anything else until you are able to accomplish that. Always set your priorities.

About the Author:

Court has a great deal of experience in home based business opportunities and helps people to learn about internet marketing services.

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Ten Big Distractions To A Successful Business

Home Business Opportunities, Internet Business Opportunities, Small Business Opportunities